During a workshop led by Joana Varon
of Coding Rights on Transfeminist Tech,
we used the hands-on card deck to spark ideas for tech that is collectively imagining better futures with transfeminist values at the center.
My partner Rebecca and I came up with digital security kit for friends. Inspired by
experiences of doxxing and intimidation with digital security, this kit is a tool for friends to support each other in implementing smart security practices! Each kit is
mailed to two friends and includes pgp keys, a digital security checklist and intro to encryption, and matching friendship necklaces. Upon completion of the checklist,
friends are allowed entry into a digital security community of practice that provides a safety net for social activists to speak out in a digitally secure way.
This kit is rooted in the transfeminist values of autonomy and resilience and is inspired by the allegory of the long spoons where people need to feed each other.
This was a fun design exercise with no plans to actualize, but get in touch if you are inspired!
This report showcases the monumental state-wide effect of the Massachusetts Community Income Tax Credit
on the capacity of community development corporations. Built in Microsoft Power BI, this report required
high-level data organization, joining several surveys into a relational database and translating a visualizing
style guide into a custom Power BI template.
Collaborated with journalist Alex Kane on an Esri Storymap accompanying
long-form article
on US weapons exports used for extrajudicial killings of Palestinians.
As part of a larger mapping and data visualization project for the National Network of Abortion Funds
I designed and ran an interactive mapping workshop for 300 people at NNAF's National Organizing Summit in July of 2018. Split into four regions, members of local abortion funds
worked with other people in their region to map collective power and related barriers to abortion access and abortion funding. The workshop was designed for regional network-weaving
grounded in local data, and was the first step of a year-long data analysis and visualization process for the Network.
Researched the commuting trends of low-wage workers working in Cambridge Massachusetts for a public transit analysis on the routes available.
Used public data sources including the US Census, American FactFinder, CTPP, and MBTA, analyzing trends and using ESRI ArcMap to map bus and train frequencies.
Created narrative data story using ESRI StoryMaps to increase understanding and accessibility.
In the spring and summer of 2018, I co-coordinated a week-long environmental justice training and leadership development convening for forty youth organizers from across the country.
My amazing team ran a selection process for applicants, adapted and wrote political education and organizing 101 training curriculum, fundraised $10,000
in participant scholarships, and coordinated site logistics and travel. West SPROG is a part of the Student Sierra Coalition's summer programming, and provides
integral training to the next generation of youth environmental leadership.
In the spring of 2018, I co-ran the annual grassroots fundraiser for the Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund (EMA Fund).
In a record-breaking year, we raised $85,080, blowing past our stretch goal of $75,000, and engaging a record number of donors. The median donation was just $25,
with over 80% of the donations under $50. The fundraiser was a combination of online team-based fundraising using Classy, managing 67 individual fundraisers,
and an in-person fundraising party with a raffle, silent auction, and abortion storytelling.
Led communal writing process for promotional video script and filmed and edited the video, now used in organizing capacity for United Workers.
Planned, storyboarded, and actualized $10,000 crowdfunding campaign part of funding the Charm City Land Trust. You can donate here :)